Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Working in COLOR!


I'm working in color again!! 

I've been working on my linen & lace tree skirt project for the last month. Since you haven't seen a finished post, I'm sure you can tell...I didn't finish it in time for Christmas. I knew I wouldn't, so I'm just chalking it up to being super on top of things for Christmas 2014. Ha. 

All of the blocks for the tree skirt are finished, so I took a quick break to put some time into my Barn Door quilt for Sarah's quilt along

It is SO nice to be working in color again! Of course, working with AMH means working with lots of it. While both of the blue fabrics "read" blue to me, each have 16 colors on the selvage! I'd say I'm making up for my time spent in a world of beige and ivory. 

Also, after spending a month with linen, moving back to quilting cotton is kind of an adjustment. The cotton feels thin and slippery compared to the linen. It's rather nice to have less bulky seams, though.  :) 

And did you notice the lovely new iron in the pic above?? It was my Christmas present this year!

She's a beauty! I have been working with a gross old Sunbeam, whose only redeeming factor is that it never shut off. Ever. Unfortunately it also ran so hot the plastic above the heat plate was starting to brown. Ick. 

I'm happy to have this lovely new Reliable. I'm hoping it's just that, reliable. It's nice and heavy so that, even with my bent old ironing board, it achieves nicely pressed seams without much effort. I had to put all my weight behind the Sunbeam, and would still have only moderately pressed seams before. The only downfall I've noticed so far with the Reliable, is that it is true to the 7 min timer. After 7 minutes, it turns itself off, even if I'm using it. Thankfully it beeps first, so I can hop over and turn it back on before it cools down. It also heats fairly quickly.  

In other news, I managed to injure my neck this week. I can hardly move - which makes sewing a bit of a challenge. 

I bet you're wondering how I injured myself?

I'll give you some guesses: 

1 - I was enjoying the fresh powder on our beautiful Utah slopes and managed to fall just wrong on my neck. (Falling...that sounds like me, right?)

Alta Ski Resort

2 - I took up professional wrestling, but Mr. Stone Cold was a bit much for my 5' 5.75" frame.
(yes, the extra 0.75" is necessary and important to me...)

3 - I was doing my hair. 

I know, I all think I'm an amazing skier and a tremendous wrestler...but it was actually #3. 


**Imagine the phase with the same sing-song tone as Agent Wilde's "LIPSTICK TASER" from Despicable Me 2**

For real. Embarrassing.

I was pulling my hair back into my typical, wet, I-don't-want-to-do-my-hair-today bun before work, and somehow kinked my neck just wrong. At that moment, I probably looked about like Gru does in that picture above. I'm certain my facial expression was pretty close. And now I can't move. 

Maybe in a few days I'll feel more like myself again. 

In the meantime, if you catch me around town, I'll be waddling slightly to keep it still and turning my entire body to look at things. 

Linking up with Sarah and Lee. 

Sarah Quilts
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Ooooh barn door with some Dowry?! Sounds like a match made in Heaven :)

  2. And lovely colours they are! I like your approach on the treeskirt... you'll be ready for next year!

  3. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. I once hurt my neck brushing my teeth. :) I can't wait to see those gorgeous fabrics become your barn door. What fabulous choices!

    Oh, super super elegant and pretty tree skirt too.

  4. Your tree skirt sounds amazing and very pretty!

    Sorry about your could have said you were in a match with a wrestler we never would have known!!!!! LOL I have done that before while in the shower of all places somehow drying my hair off with a towel before I got out. Weird I KNOW! Then again while doing some sort of P90X move a few yrs back. I digress. Hope yours is back to its normal functioning self soon.

  5. yay for the color! it looks super. and good for you for being so far ahead for next Christmas, even with all the neutrals, which are really pretty, too. =)


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