Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Whole New Blog World

Welcome friends, family, and any who may have accidentally, and perhaps regrettably, stumbled upon this blog roll. I am new to this blogging thing. Like -

adj   absolutely new   [from brand (n) + new, likened to newly forged iron]

"Newly forged iron" - only much less functional. 

I have no idea what I am doing yet. Clearly, I do not understand the formatting, or how to customize any of the settings. Pre-made Google template? Yep, sure is. Honestly, I don't even understand what most of the settings mean. What is a "gadget" anyway? 

Perhaps eventually I will figure it out... 


Anyway...I'm Whitney, and this is my wonderful Hubby of three years - Brian. 

And this is Sadie - our two-year-old rescue (= breed?). We love her, even if she is kind of a nervous Nellie. More on that later maybe, but she has a very sweet and sensitive personality. Being stray the first 4 months of her life was, we think, a little hard on her. 

Anyway, I am a beginning sewist. Fabric and I - we fell hard. It was love at first stitch. I wonder if I am reaching the point of crazy fabric lady? Meh, not yet, since I still have room for more. 

My sewing machine was a Christmas gift from my husband almost two years ago. 

He was so cute about Christmas that year. We both love surprises. Starting at least a month before Christmas, we had dedicated rooms in our house for each of our presents. The other person was strictly NOT ALLOWED in the room containing their presents. Not only was the sewing machine a surprise, but the table and chair as well. All set up and ready to sew on Christmas morning. Isn't he sweet?!

Sorry about the poor picture quality - it was a phone pic, but turned out to be the only one I took. 

Out of fear of the unknown, it sat, wretchedly ignored for 6 months until I took my first sewing class. I don't think I even took the bow off the machine until June. :S But that sewing class liberated me of the immobilizing fear that I might somehow ruin the machine or my pretty fabric. I learned how to use a pattern, and by the next Christmas I had sewn 4 pairs of pajama pants as gifts. 

The next spring, I happened upon the lovely Les Amis line by Patty Sloniger, and just HAD to buy some. Owls and foxes? Seriously...I was sold. 

It was too juvenile a print to make anything for myself (boo), so I decided to make a baby quilt for a friend. It was my first introduction to the quilting world. 

(Didn't even think to wait to take the pictures until I had it quilted and bound. I was just so excited that I had gotten this far!)

I muddled through. Not super skillfully, by any means. Don't look too closely. I did a decent amount of researching and blog-reading to find some tutorials on the basics of the quilting process. 

I made my first rotary cuts - which were truly horrific. 

The fact that all my fingers survived intact was sheer luck. It certainly wasn't talent. 

I was hooked. 

I am hooked. 

Many fabric purchases and several Craftsy classes later, and I'm in the process of my second quilt. More on that in a future post. My first in-person quilting class is coming up in a couple of weeks, and I'm stoked! 

I have always been a bit of an old lady at heart. I started knitting at about age 7, and it was my favorite pastime for many years. 

Happily, I couldn't find any incriminating photo evidence of this. 

I did, however, find this gem: 

Teaching my roommates to knit during my freshman year in college. What hip 18-year-old, college student doesn't spend her Friday evenings doing this? And those pajama pants?? Not only were they striped horizontally, but I'm pretty sure they were also velveteen. 


Anyway, that's me. I love my hubby. I love my puppy. I LOVE to sew. I'm not very good at it yet, but I'll keep practicing. This blog will be a record of my sewing adventures, the things I learn, and my life along the way. 

Thanks for reading!

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